

Research Article

표고 톱밥재배용 교배균주의 자실체 온도형 및 생산성 비교


Comparison of Productivity and Temperature type of fruiting body of Lentinula edodes strains on the Sawdust Cultivation

노종현, 구창덕, 박흥수, 고한규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We cultivated 117 hybrid strains of Lentinula edodes in greenhouse. 5 hybrid strains(07-55, 07-66, 07-84, 07-93 and 07-117) were selected from comparison of their characteristics of fruiting body and productivity. Biological efficiency of 5 hybrid strains was investigated 36.1(07-66), 35.6(07-117), 27.1(07-93), 25.7(07-84) and 6.5%(07-55), respectively. Selected strains 07-66, 07-117 and 07-93 showed high biological efficiency but observed commercially low quality fruiting body. Temperature type of fruiting body of 5 hybrid strains observed as follows high temperature type(07-117), mid temperature type(07-66 and 07-84) and low temperature type(07-55 and 07-93). Temperature type of fruiting body of 07-93 strain has wide range relatively. In the results, 07-84 strain was selected finally with consideration for quality of fruiting body, productivity and temperature type(8-21oC) in farm test.


 재료 및 방법
  종균 제조
  톱밥배지 제조 및 배양
  교배균주 생산성 검정
  우수 교배균주 확대재배
 결과 및 고찰
  교배균주 갈변화 비교
  교배균주 생산성 검정
  우수 교배균주 선발
  우수 교배균주 확대 재배선발된 5개 우수 교배균주와
  온도형 분석


  • 노종현 Jong-Hyun Noh. 산림조합중앙회 산림버섯연구센터
  • 구창덕 Chang-Duk Koo. 충북대학교 산림학과
  • 박흥수 Heung-Soo Park. 산림조합중앙회 산림버섯연구센터
  • 고한규 Han-Gyu Ko. 산림조합중앙회 산림버섯연구센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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