

The Development of Intelligent Direct Load Control System



The electric utility has the responsibility of reducing the impact of peaks on electricity demand and related costs. Therefore, they have introduced Direct Load Control System (DLCS) to automate the external control of shedding customer load that it controls. Since the number of customer load participating in the DLC program are keep increasing, DLCS operators a re facing difficulty in monitoring and controlling customer load. The existing DLCS needs constant operator intervention, e.g., whenever the load is about to exceed a predefined amount, it needs operator’s intervention to control the on/off status of the load. Therefore, DLCS operators need the state-of-the-art DLCS, which can control automatically the on/off status of the customer load without intervention as much as possible. This paper presents an intelligent DLCS using the active database. The proposed DLCS is applying the active database to DLCS which can avoid operator’s intervention as much as possible. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed system, variable production rules and intelligent demand controller are presented.


  2.1 The Requirement Gathering and Conceptual Design for DLCS Database
  2.2 Production Rule Definition


  • Sang Yule Choi Dept. Of Mechatronics, Induk University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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