

The Design of Library System using the Cloud Environment Based on the Raspberry pi



Recently, the various types of data are began to increase. In order to manage the data efficiently, a variety of cloud services are being made. However, while providing a cloud service, the problem is the cost and waste a lot of human power to manage the data that is generated and managed by the server. To solve this problem, it is build the cloud environment using a single board computer with Raspberry pi. In this paper, we used Raspberry pi as a cloud server to provide services for the users. And we construct a Total Server to manage the generated data. It can separate the processing of data and the provision of services. We ensure the efficient operation by building a cloud environment with Raspberry pi and by managing the data which generated in cloud environment with the total server.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works
  2.1 SaaS (Service as a Software)
  2.2 Raspberry Pi
 3. The Design of Cloud Service System using Raspberry pi - System Architecture
 4. Application of System
 5. Conclusion



  • Sungbin Park Department of Information System Kwangwoon University Graduate School of Information Contents, Korea
  • Jong-Yong Lee Department of Culture, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Kye-Dong Jung Department of Culture, Kwangwoon University, Korea


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