

A Study on the Trolley Sliding Condition Inspection System



The Korean electric railway is growing rapidly such as speed of 300km/h in high speed section and 230km/h in the conventional railway section. But, power supply failure occurs because of loss of contact, defective catenary system and high speed vehicle. Therefore preventive maintenance way based reliability has been applied. Typical example is the facility inspection method using trolley inspection system. But it is required differentiated inspection method to prevent problem such as inspection errors. In this paper, a study on the trolley sliding condition inspection system using monitoring techniques is performed for performance enhancement of inspection system. It proposed the efficient maintenance method through monitoring the deviation and height of contact wire after installing inspection system on the top of train which operates in the metropolitan area. Inspection errors were decreased by virtually monitoring the video of faulty facilities. Also those facilities were identified through the impact sound analysis and tests at the main catenary section.


 1. Introduction
 2. The proposed inspection system
 3. Experiment result
 4. Conclusion


  • ChinYoung Chang Korea National University of Transportation, Uiwang, Korea
  • ChanSam Kim Korea National University of Transportation, Uiwang, Korea
  • NoGeon Jung Korea National University of Transportation, Uiwang, Korea
  • YeonIl Na Korea National University of Transportation, Uiwang, Korea
  • YangSu Kim Korea National University of Transportation, Uiwang, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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