

A Economic Feasibility Analysis of Energy Saving Technology Application to Underground Subway Station



In Korea, new total energy-saving solution has planned to build test-bed in underground subway station. Breaking energy is one of the most energy saving method in railway, but it has not be fully used up for economical purpose. This paper demonstrates on energy saving technology application including breaking energy and heating energy to underground subway station. It also offer solution of optimization of power energy flow. Moreover, economic feasibility analysis performed for undergound test bed constuction.


 1. Introduction
 2. Energy saving technology
 3. Case Study
 4. Conclusion


  • Hyungchul Kim Koea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang, Korea
  • Seungkwon Shin Koea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang, Korea
  • Hosung Jung Koea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang, Korea
  • Jin-o Kim Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
  • Junmin Cha Daejin University, Kyounggi, Korea


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