

The Energy Efficient for Wireless Sensor Network Using The Base Station Location



Energy constraints of wireless sensor networks are an important challenge. Data Transmission requires energy. Distance between origin and destination has an important role in energy consumption. In addition, the location of base station has a large impact on energy consumption and a specific method not proposed for it. In addition, a obtain model for location of base station proposed. Also a model for distributed clustering is presented by cluster heads. Eventually, a combination of discussed ideas is proposed to improve the energy consumption. The proposed ideas have been implemented over the LEACH-C protocol. Evaluation results show that the proposed methods have a better performance in energy consumption and lifetime of the network in comparison with similar methods.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related work
  Ⅰ. The proposed method
  Ⅱ. Simulation and Performance Evalution
   A. Simulation Conditions
   B. The result of simulation
 3. Conclusion


  • Shiv Raj Baral Kathamandu Engineering College Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  • Young-Il Song Department of Information System Kwangwoon University Graduate School of Information Contents, Korea
  • Kyedong Jung Department of Culture, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Jong-Yong Lee Department of Culture, Kwangwoon University, Korea


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