

A Study on Depth Information Acquisition Improved by Gradual Pixel Bundling Method at TOF Image Sensor



The depth information of an image is used in a variety of applications including 2D/3D conversion, multi-view extraction, modeling, depth keying, etc. There are various methods to acquire depth information, such as the method to use a stereo camera, the method to use the depth camera of flight time (TOF) method, the method to use 3D modeling software, the method to use 3D scanner and the method to use a structured light just like Microsoft's Kinect. In particular, the depth camera of TOF method measures the distance using infrared light, whereas TOF sensor depends on the sensitivity of optical light of an image sensor (CCD/CMOS). Thus, it is mandatory for the existing image sensors to get an infrared light image by bundling several pixels; these requirements generate a phenomenon to reduce the resolution of an image. This thesis proposed a measure to acquire a high-resolution image through gradual area movement while acquiring a low-resolution image through pixel bundling method. From this measure, one can obtain an effect of acquiring image information in which illumination intensity (lux) and resolution were improved without increasing the performance of an image sensor since the image resolution is not improved as resolving a low-illumination intensity (lux) in accordance with the gradual pixel bundling algorithm.


 1. Introduction
 2. Depth Camera of TOF (time of flight) Method
 3. Proposed Gradual Pixel Bundling Method
  3.1 Pixel Bundling Method
  3.2 Gradual Pixel Bundling Method
 4. Conclusion


  • Soon Chul Kwon Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Ho Byung Chae Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Sung Jin Lee College of Art and Design, Duksung University, Korea
  • Kwang Chul Son Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Seung Hyun Lee Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea


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