

Proposed Open Source Model for Video Offline Distribution using Cinema DRM for Home Users



Video Content owners seek to squeeze the maximum amount of revenue from their assets via distribution into more territories. Digital Cinema Package(DCP), trusted solution to distribute protected content to theaters, caters to relatively small user base, which limits revenue. With the growth of the Internet & other digital media, the economics of media content has changed dramatically. Security remains main concern to deliver content to millions of consumers using intelligent digital display devices like Tablets, Smartphones, Smart TVs, Desktop & Laptop. By making the video content available to this segment securely, content owners will benefit from increased revenue. Through this paper we propose Open Source HomeDCP model to distribute the content to home users for offline viewing. We propose to include other open source CODEC than JPEG2000/MPEG2, which are specifically designed for theatrical performance. Final image size will be further reduced considering the display device resolution where video will be finally played. Key Delivery Message(KDM) system to be altered to suit new devices. This will be a big boost to Content Economy as content owners would be able to distribute the content securely to the wider audience & ensure more revenue.


 1. Introduction
 2. DCP(Digital Cinema Package) Concept
 3. Proposed Open Source Model for Home DCP
 5. Conclusion


  • Sunil Pardeshi Department of Plasmabiodisplay, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Soon Chul Kwon Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Seung Hyun Lee Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Alaric Hamacher Graduate School of Information Contents, Kwangwoon University, Korea


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