

교직 정체성의 탐구를 위한 분석적 연구


An Analytical Study of the Meaning of the Teaching Profession


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of the teaching profession through analyzing the teachers' teaching activities. For this purpose, the researcher reviewed various meanings of the profession as a key concept to find out the meaning of teaching profession, examined the views on the teaching profession as a profession and non-profession, and surveyed the educators' (teachers, educational administrators, and teacher's college faculty members) views on the teaching profession and teaching activities.
Conclusions of this study were as follows:
First, the meaning of the teaching profession should be Identified as a moral ' profession. Although this identification would not be empirically verified in nature, the researcher found out the facts that there were short gap between the above-mentioned identification and the educators' perceptions on the meaning of teaching profession. For example, most educators rather emphasized character-building, morality, aspiration, and affectivity than knowledge-centered subject matters in their teaching activities. Since this identification might emphasize the non-intellectual aspects of teaching activities, educators and researchers should make various efforts to find out how these matters could be applied into teaching activities.
Second, educators' relative negligence on the importance of intellectual aspect in teaching activities would affect the professionalization of teaching negatively. Considering the facts that the public still would evaluate the success or failure of school teaching through such concrete factors as academic achievement, higher school enrollment rate, or employment rate, future teacher education should emphasize on the development of teaching processes and methods on the basis of theoretical and scientific knowledge. The reason is that emphasizing the intellectual aspect of teaching activities would be an another effective measure to professionalize teaching at anyway.
Third, for the establishment of teaching profession as a moral profession, strong efforts, in addition to the above-mentioned means, should be made to alleviate the bureaucracy in school, to expand the teacher's professional autonomy, such as teacher's rights of choice on teaching contents, teaching methods, and student evaluation, and to promote teacher's involvement in school management.


이 연구의 기본 목적은 교사의 직무특성 분석을 통하여 교직의 직업적 정 체성을 탐구하는데 있다. 이를 위해서 연구자는 첫째,교직의 성격규정 시 가장 빈번하게 거론되는 개념인 전문직업의 의미와 그것이 교직에 어떻게 적용 되는지의 여부 등을 고찰하고,둘째,문헌분석을 통하여 도출된 내용과 교육자의 교직성격에 대한 지각 사이의 차이를 분석함으로써,셋째,우리가 새롭게 인식해야 할 교직의 의미를 탐색하였다.이 연구를 통해 연구자는 첫째,교직의 직업적 정체성을 도덕성이 강조되는 전문직업(morel profession)임을 규명하였고, 이는 본 연구의 조사결과 - 교수행위에 관한 교육자들의 덕육, 인격적 성숙성 및 정의적 능력 강조경향 - 와 큰 괴리가 없음을 밝혔으며,둘째,교직이 도덕적 전문직으로서의 정체성을 확립하기 위해 요구되는 조치들을 제시하였다.


I. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 II. 교직 전문직성의 개념과 논리
  1. 전문직업의 개념
  2. 교직의 전문직성을 강조 또는 지향하는 관점
  3. 교직의 전문직성에 부정적인 관점
  4. 교직의 전문직성 제고를 위한 방안에 대한 논의
 III. 교직의 성격 탐색을 위한 질문지조사 결과
  1. 조사대상, 조사도구 및 자료처리
  2. 조사결과의 분석
 IV. 요약 및 결론
  1. 요약
  2. 결론


  • 김용주 Kim, Yongchu. 경상대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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