

윌리엄 포크너의 『 팔월의 빛 』에 나타나는 원환의 존재론적 의미 연구


Study on the Ontological Meaning of the Circle in William Faulkner's Light in August


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is to examine William Faulkner's Light in August via searching for and analyzing ontological and bio-political meanings of ‘circle.' After reviewing on various researches previously conducted on structural integrity of multi-narrative in Light in August, this paper argues that each narrative in the novel is potentially open to ‘connections' to produce various understandings. This multi-connected narratives produce a literary plane, resonating with geopolitical and historical planes of Yoknapatapha County, on which binary ideological segments are furrowed and simultaneously threatened by flights of outsiders—Joe Christmas and Lena Grove. This paper concentrates on such inquiries as how Joe's flights, despite being immersed in binary ideological segments, can contradictorily deconstruct these ideological segments and why his flights ends up with failures, revealing hidden meaning of restrained ontological circle Joe is enclosed within. And then, the paper, utilizing Giorgio Agamben's bio-political concepts of ‘the open' and ‘anthropological machine,' explores how Joe's will to become a human being falls prey to ‘animalization' through the operation of anthropological machine and racism.


I. 『팔월의 빛』과 다양한 해석들
 II. 이분법적 이념의 구획과 탈주선들
 III. 혐오의 계열화와 '인간되기', '동물되기' 사이의 모순
 IV. 원한 속의 동물/인간 죠
 V. 원환의 존재적 의미와 인류학적 기계
 VI. 결론 : 인류학적 기계를 벗어나는 탈주선의 가능성


  • 김대중 Dae-Joong Kim. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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