

『난장이가 쏘아올린 작은 공』원작과 각색의 비교연구-여성인물의 인식변화를 중심으로


『The Dwarf』A comparison between the original work and its adaptations - With a focus on the Consciousness changes of female characters depicted in the films


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Jo Sehui's novel "The Dwarf" had been changed as it rewrote to the film scenario and to the drama. This essay will examine the changes in the female characters that occur in the film adaptations of the novel "The Dwarf". The transformation of female characters in the adaptations not only reflects the realities of the times but also result in the public seeking out the original literary works. Therefore, a construction of systematic theories regarding adaptation processes is required in order to lead the way to a more desirable transformation in literary awareness. In particular, the distortion and transformation processes of the female characters are mainly due to the realities and circumstances of the respective periods and also the patriarchal perception still dominates those characters. Furthermore, there have been many cases of character distortion and damage to the work due to political purposes. However, comparative research of the female characters in different adaptations must continue if only for the creation of images formed by the spread of media, and it is the object in this essay that one cannot ignore the possibility of their direct influence on the consciousness of female consumers.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 시대적 배경과 여성인물의 역할
  1. 원작과 영화의 시대적 배경
  2. 소설 속 여성인물의 되기
 Ⅲ. 원작과 각색 된 영화에 나타난 여성 인물의 현실인식
  1. 각색과정에서 변모하는 여성
  2. 탈주하는 소설 속 여성과 타자로 변모하는 영화 속 여성
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 정혜경 Jeong Hye-Gyeong. 동의대학교 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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