

다문화 사회에서의 ‘탈현대적 계몽주의’ 특징 형상화 연구 - 『나마스테』를 중심으로


A formalistic Study on ‘Post Modern Enlightment’ in Multi-cultural Society - With Emphasis on 『Namaste』


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



『Namaste』was classified into the literature of ‘post modern enlightment’ in this study. Through a formalistic study on 『Namaste』, it was reported that the contents of ‘post modern enlightment’ are relevant to criticism of social problems, respection on others and otherness, and organization of a new subject. Namaste is accusing ‘Korean dream’ and ‘American dream’ by disturbing 'narrative' and 'focalization'. It states that capitalistic properties such as ‘anger, ignorance and desire’ interrupt comumuction with others. 『Namaste』describes repeatedly through metaphors that hospitality to others is essential to receiving multi-cultural society. The reason on highlighting of others is to emphasize that our ethics should be changed to fit in well with a multi-cultural society. 『Namaste』sets 2021 as the present tense. However the practical time background is the present space where many immigrant labors in Korea is working under a work permit system and industrial trainee system. Therefore 2021 is fictional space where mixed-race children as subjects and languages as varieties are reterritorialized. The formalism is the result of author's desire. In conclusion, the narratives in 『Namaste』 is formation of ‘post modern enlightment’.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 탈현대적 계몽주의 특징 형상화 양상
  1. 맹목성 비판을 위한 ‘초점화’와 ‘서술자’ 교란
  2. 현실을 탈주하기 위한 반복적 ‘환대’ 강조
  3. ‘바깥’ 지향과 저항성 생성
 Ⅲ. 결론


  • 이영아 Lee Young A. 서울시립대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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