A Study of hearer honorific system at Yanbian area in China -focused on comedy sketch and television drama
This dissertation Yanbian dialect clarify the aspect of realization hearer honorific system and the purposes to be intended to clarify the social factors affecting its realization. So in the area, a televised comedy sketch and drama script language by using statistical data analysis methods were attempted. Existing 3rating systems(hapso-level, hao-level, haera-level) in addition to hae–level raised the need to set up and dismantle the Low form different character and scope of clarifying. Based on the hae-level of Yanbian dialect [+intimacy] and hapso-level, hao-level, haera-level such a special treat that can be used in honorific grades. Ending the finals was divided into descriptive, imperative, plain pleasures type. These finals were examined for realization form of hearer honorific system. Sex, age, related type, status, number of meeting, degree of intimacy relation decide on a factors influencing the realization of hearer honorific system and aspect was investigated through the use of final endings the frequency.
Ⅱ. 선행 연구
Ⅲ. 종결어미 체계
Ⅳ. 등급 실현의 영향 요인
Ⅴ. 맺음말