

A Comparative Case Study of Authorities in the Design Process Between Charles Fredrick Worth and Oleg Cassini


이정수, 샬롯 지루섹

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background Who takes a consequential role in decision-making during the design process certainly has an effect on the end product. A designer who eventually makes decisions also considers multiple factors, and an important one is that of the customer. The characteristics of the relationship between a designer and a customer have changed over time and are influenced by changes in the fashion system. The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the design authorities in the relationship between haute couture designers and their privileged customers. Methods The design cases of eminent haute couture designers from different periods, Charles Fredrick Worth and Oleg Cassini, were selected. Additionally, their underlying design authorities were examined based on various social events and anecdotal evidence. Result The study shows that the structure of the fashion system in society affects the relationship between haute couture designers and their privileged customers and eventually design processes and products. Design authority, which is the degree of the designer's obedience to customers' requests, determines design decisions. Conclusion The fashion system in the current industry may not follow these results exactly; however, this study can provide a good research basis for design authorities in the design process and allow practitioners to learn about the importance of a customer's thoughts versus a designer's.


 1. Introduction
  1.1. Subjects and Research Methods
  1.2. Background: Circumstances of the 1860s and 1960s
 2. Charles Fredrick Worth and Oleg Cassini
  2.1. Designers Worth and Cassini
  2.2. Social reputation
 3. Relationship between haute couture designers and privileged customers
  3.1. Interaction with Customers : Empress Eugénie and Jacqueline Kennedy
  3.2. Effect on Design Process and Decisions
  3.3. Power from and to society
 4. Conclusion


  • 이정수 Jung Soo Lee. 홍익대학교 미술대학 섬유미술·패션디자인학과 초빙대우교수
  • 샬롯 지루섹 Charlotte Jirousek. 코넬대학교 생활과학대학 섬유과학·어패럴디자인학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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