

농촌빈집의 효율적 정비와 활용에 관한 연구


A Study on the Efficient Improvement and Use of Rural Vacant Houses

박헌춘, 송준숙, 김승근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Vacant houses are increasing across the country, but the appropriate measures have not been set up yet. Accordingly, vacant houses are left unattended for a long time, and become deserted to degrade the residential environment. They are often used as the space for the deviation of youth or even for crimes, threatening the safety of rural society. Vacant houses are not only personal properties but also public assets that form the residential environment of a town. Therefore, the problem should be better taken care of with appropriate policies. In this study, the present situation of vacant houses in Korea, the causes of the vacant house and the limits and lessons of the improvement projects were reviewed, along with the vacant house improvement systems in the UK and Japan. The most significant difference between the cases in Korea and other countries are the method of vacant house improvement. In terms of policies and support, Korea focuses on demolition, whereas other countries focus on reuse. In addition, the vacant house improvement projects in Korea are performed mostly by government agencies, whereas local governments and private organizations in other countries cooperate to improve vacant houses and go beyond mere residential environment improvement towards the local revitalization. Based on the study results, the following are proposed to efficiently improve and use the rural vacant houses. First, the Rearrangement of Agricultural and Fishing Villages Act, which allows the vacant houses to be left unattended and not improved, should be revised. Second, the intermediate support organizations that connect the demand and supply should be fostered and supported so that the use of vacant houses can be vitalized and privately led. Third, the best practices of using the vacant houses should be found and promoted, and the vacant house remodeling technique should be developed and propagated. Fourth, a special law should be enacted to comprehensively plan, support and execute the vacant house improvement, as in Japan. Finally, the value of the vacant houses as public properties should be shared in public so that all citizens can participate in addressing the vacant house issue to derive the detailed plans to solve the problem.


 1. 서론
 2. 빈집현황 및 발생원인
 3. 빈집정비사업
  3.1 관련 법률
  3.2 빈집정비절차
  3.3 빈집정비 현황
  3.4 빈집정비사업의 한계 및 시사점
 4. 빈집정비 외국사례
  4.1 영국 사례
  4.2 일본 사례
 5. 제언


  • 박헌춘 Park, Heon-Choon. 정회원, 농림축산식품부 농촌정책국 지역개발과 전문관, 건축학박사
  • 송준숙 Song, Jun-Sook. 정회원, (주)그린준하우징 대표, 카톨릭관동대학교 건축공학과 박사과정
  • 김승근 Kim, Seung-Geun. 정회원, 강동대학교 건축학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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