

교수자 가이드에 기반한 자기수정 사례연구


A Case Study on Guided Self-Correction as a Post-translation Activity


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Learning how to translate a text involves not only the acquisition of linguistic or transfer competence. It also requires students to understand translation strategies and to select the strategy appropriate to the situational and textual contexts. Therefore, a translation class needs to provide an environment in which a student can take action, receive a reaction, and draw learning in a consistent manner. With this understanding, the present study aimed to explore the benefits of guided self-correction as one of the activities during the reaction phase. Whereas students generally translate a text (the action), and others, either a teacher or peers, react to the translation, this study assumed that self-correction can also serve as an effective reaction activity, which may not only help students improve their translation, but more importantly nurture their meta-cognition. Reviewing what students corrected and why, this study found that, even with only the simplest guidance, students were able to identify problems and areas for further improvement in their own translations, and to endeavor to make them better. Certainly, issues indicating potential difficulties that are less marked are not as easily identified as those that are more marked, such as conjunctions and inanimate subjects. Moreover, students were found to achieve different levels of correction, despite identifying the same problem. However, such findings do not indicate limitations to guided self-correction. Rather, the findings suggest the possibility of understanding various types of translation problems that may be commonly experienced, and of identifying individual students who are not gaining optimal advantage of guidance given in class, and who may therefore require a more personalized approach from the teacher.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1 학습자 주도 학습
  2.2 번역후 활동
 3. 사례연구
 4. 결과
  4.1 개선 대상을 지목한 경우
  4.2 개선 대상을 지목하지 않은 경우
  4.3 개선 대상으로 논의되지 않은 경우
 5. 결론


  • 오미형 Oh, Mi-hyung. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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