

러시아어 용어ㆍ용례 DB 구축 방안 연구


A Study on DB Construction of Korean-Russian Terminology


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of the present paper is to explore the translation practice of terms of Korean studies into Russian and to propose the necessity for building DB and studying it with a particular focus placed on the effective and consistent terminology in the field of Korean studies. In translating Korean materials into foreign languages, in this paper, Russian, there exists various problems such as the standard rule of translation of Korean terms. To solve these problems individual researchers and translators have difficulties and should have created one’s own Russian terms, which requires lots of time and energy. However due to lack of DB system many of these terms have not shared between researchers and translators, which often causes many different kinds of translation of one concept, or mistranslation, and as a result even misunderstanding. In this regards, it would be helpful to study the Russian terms of Korea studies and provide the useful Russian DB of Korean Studies to everybody who needs. Furthermore, when Russian DB of Korean studies would be prepared, it can hopefully be a model for other foreign languages or a subject of comparative studies between terms in various foreign languages, which consequently contribute to the standardization of terminology in Korean studies all over the world.


 1. 문제제기
 2. 국내 외국어 용어ㆍ용례 DB 구축 사례 고찰
 3. 러시아어 용어ㆍ용례 DB 구축 방안
  3.1 분야별 주요 용어ㆍ용례 추출
  3.2 러시아어 용어ㆍ용례 DB의 기능과 구조 
 4. 결론


  • 서유경 Seo, You-kyung. 상명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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