The widespread use of remote interpreting technology has long pushed remote interpreting into the realm of professional interpreting practice. However, the notion has not received its much deserved attention despite the emergence of various remote interpreting settings, mainly due to the relative paucity of related research. This paper reflects on the term 'remote interpreting' used to describe different interpreting settings in a number of countries, illustrates which alternative terms are used, and offers an overview of international research with a special focus on Europe where studies have been carried out since the mid-1970s. Particular reference is also made to the need for remote interpreting research in Korea that would allow researchers, practitioners, and teachers to paint an accurate picture of the extent of its usage in the country. Building on the review of previous projects and research on remote interpreting, the article presents future implications for the practice.
I. 들어가는 말
II. 원격통역의 개념 및 유형
1. 해외
2. 국내
III. 해외 연구 동향
1. 원격통역의 실현가능성 연구
2. 정보통신기술 시대의 원격통역 연구
3. 원격통역사의 상태와 통역 수행도 연구
4. 교육현장에서의 원격통역 연구
IV. 나가는 말