This paper reviewed the case studies on the translation carried out by multiple people in the perspective of consistency and issues arising from the current policies and systems relevant to translation. 'Translation carried out by multiple people' refers to translation cases where a number of translators participate and produce translation of his or her own allocated parts of the whole translation. The review shows that cases of inconsistency were observed in the following lexical categories: 1) names of people and regions, 2) culturemes, 3) terms or phrases that are repeatedly used, and 4) in 'ideology bound terms', as well as in the style categories a number of cases in the expressions at the end of sentences. Reasons that led to such inconsistency included issues with policies on the roman alphabet spelling of Korean words, as well as system-derived issues such as translation contracts, financial compensation and intellectual property rights. Based on the hypothetical belief that the role of translators is critical in maintaining consistency in the above categories in translation under the current translation environment, a review on course syllabuses and a survey on the instructors were conducted on the current education status of translation courses which include multiple participants translation projects. Among the syllabuses of 420 translation classes reviewed, 37 showed any mention of team or group translation projects that were to be given to students during any time of the course. And the survey results show that of the 23 respondents, 9 people(39.13%) answered that they give group translation assignments. Meanwhile, the most frequently cited reason for not assigning translation in the form of ‘projects’ was ‘the utmost purpose of the course is to improve an individual’s translation competency’, followed by ‘time constraints’. But given the increasing demand for translation where multiple translators need to participate, a more systematic discussion on the topic is required in the education field of translation.
I. 들어가는 말
II. 다자 수행 번역의 정의 및 사례 분석 대상
1. 다자 수행 번역의 정의
2. 사례 분석 대상
III. 다자 수행 번역의 비일관성 사례
1. 어휘 차원의 일관성 결여
2. 문체 차원의 일관성 결여
IV. 다자 수행 번역을 둘러싼 정책ㆍ제도 차원의 문제점
1. 표기법 및 표기 지침과 관련된 정책 차원의 문제점
2. 번역 발주자 차원의 문제점
3. 제도적 차원의 문제점
V. 다자 수행 번역 관련 번역 교육 현황
1. 강의계획서 검토 결과
2. 설문 조사 결과
VI. 논의 및 결론