

슬개대퇴통증증후군 환자의 체중부하운동 유형별 하지 근활성량의 차이


The Difference of Electromyographic Activity of Lower Extremity among Weight-bearing Exercises in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

안근옥, 조지훈

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



[PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to investigate analysis of difference of electromyographic activity on rectus femoris(RF), vastus medialis oblique(VMO), vastus lateralis(VL) and gluteus medius(GM) on type of weight-bearing in patients with patellofemoral pain syndorme. [METHODS] The subjects of this study were 13 female patients with patellofemoral pain syndorme 16 case(Right 8 case, Left 8 case) who are 20 - 30 years. The subjects of the study were rectus femoris, vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis and gluteus medius attached EMG electrodes to measure the electromyographic activity during weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise was conducted half squat(HS), wall half squat(WHS), pillow wall half squat(PWHS) and single lim wall squat(SLWS). The investigator measured and analyzed the factors related to iEMG of muscle and electromyographic activity ratio during four type weight-bearing exercise the experiment collected data through measures of one-way ANOVA with the statistical significance level set at α=.05. [RESULTS] Weight-bearing exercise effective way to increase muscle activation of the VMO during weight-bearing eccentric contraction was shown to SLWS, weight-bearing exercise effective way to increase muscle activation of the GM were to PWHS. Second, weight-bearing exercise effective way to increase muscle activation of the GM during weight-bearing isometric contraction was shown to WHS and PWHS. Third, the weight-bearing concentric contraction of muscles during four kinds of effective weight-bearing exercise to increase muscle activation of specific muscles were not. [CONCLUSIONS] This study the results of the four type weight-bearing exercise according to the class of muscle contraction in the muscle activity with PFPS patients through each muscle was confirmed that the most efficient forms of exercise.


  실험 절차
  연구 장비
  결과 산출 방법
  신장성 수축시의 iEMG 비율(%)
  등척성 수축시의 iEMG 비율(%)
  단축성 수축시의 iEMG 비율(%)
 결론 및 제언


  • 안근옥 Keun-Ok An. 단국대학교
  • 조지훈 Ji-Hoon Cho. 신경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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