

공공번역 단일전문전담기구의 필요성- 중단기 정책 수립을 위한 현황과 당면과제


A policy task of launching a governmental control tower responsible for public sector translation : Focusing on short-term and longer-term policy considerations.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Assuming that "public sector translation" is an indispensable means with which to promote Korea's national image and enhance its national competitiveness on the global stage, this paper intends to achieve two closely related objectives. First, an attempt will be made to recap the current state of "public sector translation" of Korea and establish a need for the Korean government to tackle its problems by having all efforts of related government organs coordinated under a new overarching governmental organization responsible for public sector translation. Second, a policy proposal will be discussed to approach the need to launch such a new entity by employing a short-term, task force team-focused approach and longer term endeavors at the same time. By way of conclusion, several points will be introduced to be duly considered in the process of planning and constructing such an organization.


 I. 공공번역의 중요성과 문제의식
  1. 들어가기
  2. 연구 과제 및 논문의 구성
 II. 공공번역의 정의와 범위
 III. 공공번역을 둘러싼 사회적 담론
  1. 번역학계
  2. 국회 및 행정부
 IV. 정부의 공공번역 정책의 현황과 문제점
  1. 컨트롤 타워 부재로 인한 부처별 개별중복 추진
  2. 현행 공공번역 정책의 문제점
 V. 단일전문전담기구 설립·운영의 기대효과
 VI. 단일전문전담기구 설립을 위한 중기적 접근
 VII. 단기정책 제안: 창구 단일화를 위한 태스크포스 설립
  1. 공공번역 수급체계, 인터페이스, 네트워크 일원화
  2. 번역 지침 및 표기 기준 표준화 작업 주도
  3. 전문용어 통일 및 표준화
  4. 공공번역 및 번역 관련 연구 사업의 통합 조정 보완
  5. 시급한 수요 파악 및 우선순위에 따른 기획 보완
  6. 사업의 평가 감수 교정 및 관리
  7. 공공번역 수준 관리 절차 제정
  8. 번역사 채용․선정 및 관리 절차 개선
 VIII. 맺는 말


  • 정호정 Cheong, Ho-Jeong. 한국외국어대학교 영어통번역학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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