

번역투 인지가능성과 가독성에 대한 소고


The possibility of recognizing translationese: From readability perspective.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to explore the relationship between translationese andreadability. Translationese has been deemed as negative because ithampers the authenticity of target language culture and lowers thereadability of target text. While this paper agrees with such criticism, itquestions whether readers can actually recognize translationese in agiven text, and therefore, experience low readability. In order to answerthe question, a survey was conducted with 31 college students. Thesurvey provided 27 sentences and one passage that involvetranslationese and asked the students to check if they felt the givensentence read clear, natural or unnatural. The responses showed thatthe students did not necessarily evaluate readability lower fortranslationese. While many of them recognized translationese thatreflects syntactic differences between the source and the targetlanguages, they, at an individual level, did not show consistency inevaluating readability for translationese. The results of this study implythat the relationship between translationese and readability needs to beexamined from the reader's point of view, and specific types orcategories of translationese that harm readability more than others needto be further identified in order to improve the translation quality.


 I. 들어가는 말
 II. 번역투와 가독성에 대한 논의
 III. 분석 방법
 IV. 분석 결과
  1. 번역투 유형별 가독성
  2. 번역투 지문 가독성
 IV. 나가는 말
 부록: 학생 설문


  • 오미형 Oh, Mi-hyung. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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