

Message Aggregation in VANETs for Delay Sensitive Applications



A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) is categorized as a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) which delivers wireless network servies with an aim to improve road safety and enhance driving comfort. Diverse applications of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks such as infotainment, road safety and public safety have made VANETs as a notable and emerging area of research and development. As of now, numerous vehicular ad-hoc network research projects have been mainly aimed at data security and routing. This has raised a critical problem of data congestion and loss of data accuracy in VANETs. A major challenge in VANETs is to provide efficient data communication and propogation for precise and valuable information. This paper presents a generalized framework for message aggregation. Message Aggregation can be used to transmit minimal data and to enhance the communication efficiency thus reducing the communication overhead in VANETs. This will help in reducing the redundancy in VANETs resulting in dissemination of precise information


 1. Introduction
 2. Vanet Overview
  2.1. Vanet Architecture
  2.2. VANET Components
 3. Related Work
  3.1. Vanet Use Cases and Applications
  3.2. Data Aggregation
  3.3. Message Aggregation Schemes
 4. Issues In Exisiting Schemes
 5. Framerwork Architecture
  5.1. Framework Overview
 6. Conclusion


  • Sanket Desai Dep.of Computer Sciences & Information Technology La Trobe University
  • Rabee Elhdad Dep.of Computer Sciences & Information Technology La Trobe University
  • Naveen Chilamkurti Dep.of Computer Sciences & Information Technology La Trobe University


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