

A Novel Hybrid Evolution Optimization Algorithm and its Application



For the premature convergence and initial pheromone distribution problem of ant colony optimization algorithm, an improved particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithm is introduced into ant colony optimization algorithm in order to propose a novel hybrid evolution optimization (HEACO) algorithm in this paper. In the proposed HEACO algorithm, the ergodicity of the chaos is used to initialize the swarm in order to enhance the diversity of the particle swarm, and adjust the mutation probability and inertia weighting factor in order to improve the capability of local and global search. Then the MPSO algorithm is used to control the parameters of the heuristic factor, pheromone evaporation coefficient, and the stochastic selection threshold in order to effectively overcome the parameter influences of ACO, reduce the numbers of useless experiments and balance the developing optimal solution and enlarging search space. A series of typical traveling salesman problems are selected to validity the effectiveness of the proposed HEACO algorithm. The simulation results show that the performance of the proposed HEACO algorithm is better than the traditional ACO algorithm and PSO algorithm. So the proposed HEACO algorithm can effectively improve the solving efficiency and quality, and speed up the convergence and computation.


 1. Introduction
 2. Travelling Salesman Problem
 3. Basic Method
  3.1. Chaos
  3.2. Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
  3.3. Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm
 4. A Novel Hybrid Evolution Optimization (HEACO) Algorithm
  4.1. The Idea of the HEACO Algorithm
  4.2. The Flow of the HEACO Algorithm
 5. Experimental Simulation and Analysis
 6. Conclusion


  • Bin Gao Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College, Wenzhou 325035, PR China
  • Jing-Hua Zhu Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College, Wenzhou 325035, PR China
  • Wen-Chang Lang Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College, Wenzhou 325035, PR China


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