

A Trust Model Based on Quality of Service in Cloud Computing Environment



In recent years, the popularity of cloud computing technology is widely grown and most organizations want to use this technology in their business processes. But on the other hand, the use of this technology is not easy and many organizations are concerned about storing their sensitive data in their data centers instead of storing them in the cloud storage centers. In the cloud computing environment, trust, as a solution to enhance the security, has attracted the attention of researchers. Trust is one of the most important ways to improve the reliability of cloud computing resources provided in the cloud environment and has an important role in the business environments. Trusting the user to select the appropriate source helps in heterogeneous cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we present the trust model based on standards of appropriate service quality and speed of implementation for cloud resources. Simulation results show that the proposed model compared with similar models, in addition to taking into account measures of the quality of service, selects the most reliable source in a cloud environment by taking into account the speed of things.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. The Proposed Model
 4. Performance Evaluation
 5. Conclusion and Further Work


  • Atoosa Gholami Desectionment of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Mahallat, Mahallat, Iran
  • Mostafa Ghobaei Arani Desectionment of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Parand, Tehran, Iran


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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