

Efficient Query Processing Platform for Uncertain Big Data



Query processing technology has recently received a lot of attention in the business intelligence and information service communities. However, the existing approaches can not efficiently optimize the query performance in the uncertain big data environment. In this paper, we propose QPPUBG, a novel and efficient query processing platform for uncertain big data. QPPUBG mainly includes four modules: (i) query equivalence reconstructing for uncertain big data; (ii) multiple query optimization over probability relation components; (iii) query execution plan constructing over probability relation components, and (iv) physical implementation solution of query for uncertain big data. Specially, QPPUBG can support the possible world instance semantics and efficiently handle arbitrary decision spaces. Moreover, QPPUBG can seamlessly integrate the above four modules into the modern parallel computation frameworks. We present the extensive experiments that demonstrate QPPUBG is both efficient and effective.


 1. Introduction
 2. Platform Framework Overview
  2.1. Module 1: Query Equivalence Reconstructing for Uncertain Big Data
  2.2. Module 2: Multiple Query Optimization over Probability Relation Components
  2.3. Module 3: Query Execution Plan Constructing Over Probability Relation Components
  2.4. Module 4: Physical Implementation Solution of Query for Uncertain Big Data
 3. Specific Realization of Our QPPUBG Platform
  3.1. Realization for Module 1
  3.2. Realization for Module 2
  3.3. Realization for Module 3
  3.4. Realization for Module 4
 4. The Advantages of our QPPUBG Platform
 5. Experimental Evaluation
 6. Conclusions


  • Zhenhua Huang Department of Computer Science Tongji University, Shanghai, China
  • Jiawen Zhang Department of Computer Science Tongji University, Shanghai, China
  • Qiang Fang Department of Computer Science Tongji University, Shanghai, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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