

Design and Implementation of Data Platform Based on Internet of Things Technology




In recent years, the rapid development of Internet of Things has received wide attention of the social and academic circles. However, if there is no unified standard to store and process the huge data, the systems are still highly independent and interconnection is difficult to be realized. This paper researches the design and implementation of data platform based on Internet of Things technology. We firstly analyze the data sources and features to understand the platform requirements. Then we propose the data platform scheme with the function and performance requirements considered. It focuses on the resource identification and addressing, resource description and management, data storage, processing and analysis problem. With the data platform, the resources in Internet of Things system are managed in a unified way, which improves the system openness, access and transmission capability thus makes the system more flexible and open. However, the current design scheme can be improved in performance and safety in the future research.


 1. Introduction
 2. Key Technologies of Data Platform
  2.1. Platform Middleware Technology
  2.2. Resource Identification and Addressing
  2.3. Resource Description Model
  2.4. Data Compression Technology
  2.5. Data Storage Technology
  2.6. Cache Technology
 3. Data Features of Internet of Things System
  3.1. Data Sources of IoT System
  3.2. Data Classification of IoT System
  3.3. Data Features of IoT System
 4. Data Platform Requirement Research and Analysis
  4.1. Resource Identification and Addressing Requirement
  4.2. Resource Description Requirement
  4.3. Resource Management Requirement
  4.4. Data Storage Requirement
  4.5. Data Processing Requirement
  4.6. Data Analysis Requirement
 5. Data Platform Design and Implementation
  5.1. Function Framework of Data Platform
  5.2. Resource Identification and Addressing Design
  5.3. Gateway Resource Management Module Design
  5.4. Data Processing Module Design
  5.5. Gateway Heartbeat Management Module Design
  5.6. Cache Module Design
 6. Conclusions


  • De-Qiang Liu Wei Fang Vocational College


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