Demolition waste is waste debris from destruction of a construction. Construction industry in India generates about 10-12 million Tons of waste annually. While Retrievable items like bricks, wood, metal, titles are recycled in India, Concrete and masonry waste (>50% of total waste) are not recycled. A defined manual is not available with regulatory authorities for effective management of Construction and Demolition (C & D) waste. Authorities sometimes make rules but often fail in implementing them. This report is expected to be a pilot study towards preparation of such a manual. The objective of this study is to compile relevant literature which will give an insight into demolition waste management strategies of different countries and role of regulatory authorities in demolition waste management. The paper also studies the properties of demolition waste, its hazardous effects and suggests safe recycling/reuse/disposal methods. Based on the study, A C & D Waste management plan was formulated. For effective use of C & D, it essential that the local governing bodies make the submission and implementation of this plan mandatory. This would go a long way in the reduction of Environmental Pollution due to Construction and Demolition waste.
1. Introduction
1.1. General
1.2. Indian Construction Industry and Wastes Generated
1.3. Waste from Construction Industry - Quantum of Wastes - Their Sources and Constituents
1.4. Management of Waste from Construction Industry in India
2. Literature Survey, Objective and Scope
2.1. The History of Construction Waste Management
2.2. Review of Recycling Operations in other Countries
2.3. Objective and Scope of Study
2.4. Method of Approach for Achieving the Objective
3. Recycling Construction and Demolition Wastes
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Necessity of Recycling Demolition Waste
3.3. Barriers and Response (Objection To Job Site Recycling)
3.4. The Waste Management Plan
3.5. Construction and Demolition Waste Management Background
3.6. Waste Management Policy and Legislation
3.7. Purpose of Guidelines
3.8. Methodology
3.9. Overall Management of C&D Waste
3.10. Guidelines on Content of Plans
4. Observations and Discussions
4.1. The Waste Management Plan
4.2. Things to do before Demolition Begins
5. Summary and Conclusions