

A Study on the Reconstruction Sampling of the PLC Data Signal



There are many signals around us. We are able to use the desired signals in the PLC environment through the data signal communication whenever we want. The natural signals are likely to have the continuous time form. To use them for signal communication, the sampling process of transforming them into discrete signals is needed. It is to transform the continuous signals into the discrete signals and to reconstruct them into the continuous signals in the desired place and at the desired time. The sampling interval is related to the reconstruction. This thesis will take a deep look at the sampling process for the effective signal reconstruction.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Proof with the Mathematical Formula
 Ⅲ. Simulation
 Ⅳ. Conclusion


  • Jeong, Chang Deog Professor, Korea University, PLC Korea
  • Sone, Young Cher the Science, ICT, and Future Institute (Corporation)


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