


19세기 미국의 여가생활과 대중문화의 발전


Development of American Leisure and Popular Entertainment in the 19th Century


전북사학회 전북사학 제47호 2015.10 pp.233-252
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article examines how developed American leisure and popular entertainment in the 19th century. Between the colonial period and after the early independent age, American minds controlled by the puritan lifestyle, and it revealed several laws known as the “blue law” and the “sunday closing law.” So, during this period American leisure and a popular culture were very limited sphere and people, but after the urbanization and the industrialization changed an understanding of the American people for leisure and entertainment in the 19th century. In this time, a theater became a center of leisure and entertainment. A theater made variety spectacles include a play to a middle class, working class and upper class too. But, these phases were changed between the mid and the late 19th century. A rapid urbanization, a wage increase and lower working hours made more time and income to the American people, and the middle class looked around their own sphere because they wanted to show off their success and identity for a new order. A regular theater was not satisfied with the middle class and they did not attend there and made a new entertainment like Buffalo Bill Cody’s “Wild West Show” or a play related in a family and a white middle class. Also, some middle class tried to make their own culture exchanged of the working class’ like a “prize fight.” Finally, a vaudeville accepted variety entertainment before to attract a family customer with family and developed one of the most favorite entertainment in the early 20th century.


Ⅰ. 들어가며
 Ⅱ. 여가의 등장과 대중문화의 형성
 Ⅲ. 여가생활의 확장과 대중문화의 분화
 Ⅳ. 나오며


  • 홍종규 Hong, Jong-kyu. 강원대학교 사학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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