


旅庵 申景濬의 풍수지리 인식


A study on the Yeoam Shin, Kyung-Jun(旅菴 申景濬)'s PoongSoo thought

여암 신경준의 풍수지리 인식


전북사학회 전북사학 제47호 2015.10 pp.111-144
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this study is to inquire about Yeoam Shin, Kyung-Jun(旅菴 申景濬)'s PoongSoo thought. He was the best national geographer and an economic bureaucrat who had a thought of intermixture of three religions(Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism). He studied by himself without teacher-student relations, but he mastered hundred Schools of Thought including three religions. And he took attitude to open minded accepting various knowledge such as PoongSooJiri(風水地理). Shin, Kyung-Jun had studied Poongsoo and he chose his own tomb site by himself when he was alive. His family tradition that had family Poongsoo story and use BiboPoongSoo was confirmed on the family Poongsoo-lifestyle through the ages. He generally accepted that basic Poongsoo theory such as KI-sympathy theory, or correlation theory between human and earth. In this side, He is similar to ordinary Sirhak scholors. But He was excellent in founding of the National Geographic system which was based on traditional Poongsoo thought and natural consciousness. His thinking of national geographic view is well appeared in his geographical book "Sansugo『山水考』" and “Sangyeongpyo(『山經表』).” And he produced several pieces of map by himself using Poongsoo - style geographic point of view. He considered all mountains which came from the BaekDu mountain as a connection network structure such as an organism, in our whole country. In "Sansugo『山水考』", the flow of mountains and streams is compare to family tree. they think the national territory is an organism in cosmological system. and mountains and streams is consist of yin(陰) and yang(陽), or referred to as Gyeong(經) and Wi(緯) respectively. These view point of national geography regarded standard in 18 century, and has become a Korean style pro-Poongsoo human geography. He produced some map of Korea that reflect the spirit of the pro-Poongsoo view point. by this pro-Poongsoo national geography differentiate from China and Japan.


I. 머리글
 II. 신경준의 會通사상과 풍수
  1. 회통사상의 배경
  2. 신경준家의 풍수전통
 III. 여암 신경준의 풍수지리 인식
  1. 풍수지리의 바탕인식
  2. 『산수고『와 『산경표』에 나타난 풍수사상
  3. 고지도와 『詩則』 등에 담겨진 풍수관
 Ⅳ. 맺는글


  • 유기상 Yoo, Key-Sang. 전북대학교 사학과 박사과정 수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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