


後百濟 王宮과 都城體制 硏究 試論


A study on palace and capital city system of Later Baekje

후백제 왕궁과 도성체제 연구 시론


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study restored capital city of Later Baekje, conducting detailed earth surface investigation centered on Gyeon Hwon's castle site listed on 『History of Jeonjubu』 published in the Japanese ruling period. Capital city of Later Baekje showed shape of half-moon in ground plan. From Girin peak, it ran north, through Madangjae in Inbong-ri, from Soldaebaekyi, it turned west, through Seonangdaengyi and Bandae mountain, it connected to east of Girindae-ro. On the other hand, to westsouth, it passed Seungam mountain, crossed Jeonju stream, and then surrounded Namgosanseong. And Pyeongsanseong where mountain range ran south from Bandae mountain, through Jeonju high school and Gwanseon bridge, and Omokdae, and connected to Jeonju stream around Hanbyeokdang. It is assumed that Jeonju stream was a moat for the city, running by Omokdae and passing between Yongsanpyeong and Soopjeongyi. Based on interviews and site surveys made until now, the study corrected site of palace in Later Baekje as around Inbong-re, Jungnosong-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju city, Jeonbuk. Mountain rage stretched from the main mountain, Girin peak in eastnorth of Seungam mountain surrounded palace. The palace showed shape of trapezoid- its east is long but west is short - in ground plan. The palace was built, using natural topography run from Girin peak as it was and castle wall was constructed only on the level ground in the west. Around Inbong-re, Jungnosong-dong, Wansan-gu, Jeonju city was a very good place in feng shui. It is thought that palace of Later Baekje was located west. Accordingly, palace of Later Baekje reflected the theory of divination based on topography in dominant influence and popular Maitreya belief then. And it was located in the center of capital city of Later Baekje. It is assumed that unfinished royal tomb of Later Baekje would exist in Mureung village, Wua-dong, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju city, Jeonbuk.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 후백제 반월형 도성과 이성체제
 Ⅲ. 도성의 성벽 복원과 그 내부시설
 Ⅳ. 인봉리 왕궁터와 궁성, 추정 왕릉


  • 郭長根 곽장근. 군산대학교 사학과 교수1


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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