This paper analyzes the technological competitiveness of diesel engine that are the basis for the development of diesel engine industry in the world. By analyzing patents made in US, EP (Europe) and PCT(International Application) from 1980 to 2013, we were able to identify the patent clustering and competencies of applicants. Diesel engine’s patents searched by GPASS(Global patent Database) made by KISTI are classified 4 clusters. According to clustering analysis, the patents have applied in the sequence of fuel injection(57.2%), exhaust gas(24.3%), combustion(15.7%) and intake manifold (2.8%). We newly present technology competitiveness index “A” by considering various patent information such as patent number, citation per patent (CPP) and family per patent (FPP). An analysis of diesel engine’s patents based on the technology competitiveness index “A” shows the leading companies of diesel engine technology are Bosch, Toyota, Denso and GM.
1. 서론
2. 특허 정보분석 동향
3. 특허 맵 분석
4. 클러스터링 분석
5. 기술 경쟁력 분석
6. 결론