

기획 논문 - 한국문학과 일상적 삶 (II)~(III)ㆍ5

대하소설의 '일상 서사'의 미학 - 일상과 탈일상의 줄타기


Aesthetics of 'Common Narrative' on the River Novels - Rope Dancing Between the Common and Uncommon


국문학회 국문학연구 제14호 2006.05 pp.125-149
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The affinity of women and common life is well known. 'Ihis thesis examines the aesthetics of 'common narrative' on the story of Hyeonssiyangwoonssangninki, Okwonjaehapkiyeon,and Wanwolhyemaengyeon.
'Common narrative' is shown in the grand part of wife's making play on husband and the family of husband's taking part with daughter-in-law. In these common narratives the hope and desire of women in agony under the patriarchal system of the time place. It is presented in the form of making play on and embarrassing men, occasionally by women oneself and occasionally in the conspiracy with family of husband.
The tight rope dancing between common reality of the time and the desire of getting out of common life is the aesthetics of river novels of the latter period of
Chosun Dynasty. Women of the time might dream another common life over the
real common through these common narratives of the novels.


1. 서 론
 2. 여성의 억압된 현실과 아내의 남편 골탕 먹이기
 3. 여성의 억압된 현실과 시댁식구들의 며느리 편들기
 4. 결 론


  • 한길연 Han, Gil-yeon. 서원대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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