

기획 논문 - 한국문학과 일상적 삶 (II)~(III)ㆍ5

판소리 문학에 나타난 日常性


The Routineness Appearing in Pansori

판소리 문학에 나타난 일상성


국문학회 국문학연구 제14호 2006.05 pp.87-104
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper tries to investigate the routineness appearing in the five Pansori works
transmitted so far, and find its meaning.
Pansori often approaches the audience by revealing routineness as familiarity and repetition, when the audiences greatly express sympathy with the situations in the play because they are frequently observed in neighbors. Especially, the insertion of related songs contributes to the enhancement of sympathy. Thus, the representation
of routine in Pansori can be said to be a mechanism for sympathy aiming the audiences, who live a similar life with the characters in the play. However, more significant in the view at that time are the routine as survive, and the routine revealed as a problem of the real through the destruction by the external power. We it becomes a play in , the routine in exists in the memory to be reminded by nameless soldiers. In the latter, the routine destroyed by the external power, and thus revealed as a problem of the real is depicted. The routine depicted in this way must contain significant questions.


1. 머리말
 2. 일상의 再現
 3. 일상의 놀이화
 4. 일상에 대한 기억
 5. 맺음말


  • 정충권 Jeong, Choong-kwon. 충북대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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