

기획 논문 - 한국문학과 일상적 삶 (II)~(III)ㆍ5

한시에 나타난 일상의 의의와 역할


The Role and Significance of the Everyday in the Hansi(漢時)


국문학회 국문학연구 제14호 2006.05 pp.31-62
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examined the role and significance of the everyday in the history
Hanmun (written Chinese) poetry. Yet the concept of the everyday and the methods of applying it have not yet been clearly established in the field of literature.
Accordingly, this paper defined the basic concept of the everyday as "things which are essential to the composition of life" and focused the discussion on what it contributes internally in Hanmun poems.
The following points were covered in the discussion. Firstly, with regard to the extent to which the everyday appears in Hanmun poems, light was cast on the various aspects of the 18th century spread of the everyday, which had been introduced into Hanmun poetry relatively rarely up until the end of the 17th century. This phenomenon in and of itself suggested a change in the history of literature, and can be interpreted as meaning that poets found it increasingly more difficult to avoid confronting the everyday as time went on.
Secondly, with regard to the internal contributions of the everyday, light was cast on the various possibilities based on actual works. That is, the various states of the everyday were investigated, including the everyday as a prerequisite for consecration, the everyday as a comfortable friend of life, the everyday as an ideal that seeks a restoration of that which was lost, the everyday as an aesthetic object, and the everyday as an important subject in the world of life.
Thirdly, with regard to the transformation of the everyday into a poetic style, it was seen that it developed as a new poetic style in the 18th century in particular. Represented by the "critical style of the everyday" that united the everyday and miscellaneous poems, the "journal-style poetic form" that applied the everyday to poetry through the journal form, and the "epistolary-style poetic form" that combined letters and the everyday, developments of the everyday as a new poetic style were valuable efforts that produced new styles and content in Korean Hanmun
There are a number of possible methods of explaining the relationship between the everyday and literature. Yet if we consider the core nature of these works, the points examined in this paper can make significant contributions to the study of the history of Hanmun poetry. However, there are still many works that were not examined in this paper, and these are full of possibilities and await new research.


1.제 언
 2.日常이라는 용어,개념,그리고 한시
 3.소재로서의 일상과 그 역할:17세기 중엽까지
 4.일상의 전면화,다양화,양식화:18세기 이후
 5.결 론


  • 김동준 Kim, Dong-jun. 동덕여대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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