


특허ㆍ저작권자의 시장선점 행위에 대한 독점규제법상 규제


The Regulation for the patents’ and copyright proprietors’ strategy excluding competitors in a relevant market


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Patents and copyrights have been held to be a social tool to induce technology innovation, thus increasing social welfare. In reality, the patents and copyright could be used as the assets to exclude efficient competitors. The proprietors of patent and copyright have employed a variety of exclusive license practices affecting competition in a relevant market. In many case relating patent and copyright proprietors ’ exclusive license terms, courts have found their practices to establish the violation of antitrust law. In particular, the proprietors’ strategy which raise rivals’ costs increase significantly can constitute to be illegal under the antitrust law. In the Korean monopoly regulation and unfair practice law, if the market dominant patents and copyright proprietors, which are vertically integrated, use their rights to exclude competitors in a vertically related market, it may be considered as a market dominant’s abusing its power. However, the exclusionary right performers still may insist the reasonableness of their behaviors. In the antitrust law perspectives, the reasonableness should be evaluated with respect to the role of patent and copyright right contributing to technology development. Moreover, the amount of the effect increasing social welfare by the patent and copyright right can be different due to the characteristics of an industry and the technology.


Ⅰ. 문제제기
 Ⅱ. 특허ㆍ저작권자의 시장ㆍ고객 선점행위와독점규제법상 쟁송발생 가능성
  1. 특허ㆍ저작권자의 특허ㆍ저작권을 이용한 시장ㆍ고객선점행위
  2. 특허ㆍ저작권자의 라이선스 조건, 기술적 결합ㆍ보호조치를 회피하는 행위의 결과
 Ⅲ. 시장지배적 지위를 가진 특허ㆍ저작권자의경쟁자 배척행위 규제
  1. 시장지배적 특허ㆍ저작권자의 시장ㆍ고객 선점 행위에 대한 적용규정
  2. 시장선점 등의 전략행위에 대한 일반적 위법성 판단 요건
  3. 특허ㆍ저작권자의 시장ㆍ고객 선점행위의 정당성 심사
  4. 독점규제법에 위반한 특허ㆍ저작권의 행사의 효과
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 오승한 Oh, Seung-Han. 아주대학교 법학전문대학원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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