


소프트웨어 문헌정보의 DB구축과 활용방안


Database Construction and Utilization Scheme of Software Literature Information


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Database (DB) construction of software (SW) literature information is required as means for preventing the creation of false patents due to incomplete patent examination of SW related inventions and the occurrence of patent disputes due to such false patents, and for preventing double investment and duplicate researchthat may be caused by the defective search for prior art literatures. For this, in this study, the trend of the SW industry and the status of patent applications and patent registrations of SW related inventions have been investigated and analyzed, and based on this, the subject and the range of the SW related technology and literature information have been prescribed. Also, the DB construction and utilization status of SW literature information in U.S.A., Japan, and the like, has been investigated and analyzed, and based on this, the necessity and the method for the DB construction of SW literature information in Korea have been examined. Last, the utilization scheme of the constructed SW literature information has been examined. A DB search system for SW literature information should be constructed so that KIPO examiners and SW developers can use it more easily. For example, in association with thebasic search system that classifies SW literature information on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) established by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) under the influence of UN, a system, which makes it possible to conduct searches on the basis of diverse bibliographic information, such as the kind of SW literature information, free word, contents of literature, index, abstract, and the like, should be constructed.


Ⅰ. 서언
 Ⅱ. 소프트웨어 문헌정보의 대상과 범위
  1. 소프트웨어 문헌정보의 정의
  2. 소프트웨어의 특허문헌과 비특허문헌
 Ⅲ. 미국ㆍ일본의 소프트웨어 문헌정보의DB구축과 활용현황
  1. 일본의 DB구축과 활용현황
  2. 미국의 DB구축과 활용현황
 Ⅳ. 소프트웨어 문헌정보의 DB구축방안
  1. DB구축의 필요성
  2. DB구축의 방안
 Ⅴ. 소프트웨어 문헌정보 DB의 활용방안
  1. 특허요건의 판단
  2. 소프트웨어저작물의 검색
  3. 이중투자방지 및 개량기술개발
 Ⅵ. 결론


  • 권태복 Kwon, Tae-Bok. 광운대학교 법과대학 과학기술법학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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