


지적재산권의 독점규제법상 예외조항에 관한 고찰 : 미국법과 비교를 중심으로


Study on the Exceptional Article of Intellectual Property under Antitrust Law


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The principal legal feature of intellectual property as property is the right to grant of exclusivity for special period of time. This right is intended to provide an incentive for entrepreneurs to innovate by rewarding those efforts with a period during which they can exclude others from making use of the fruits of their efforts. Thus, the degree of intellectual property protection is appropriate and necessary to spur innovation. However, the antitrust laws promote innovation and comsumer welfare by prohibiting certain action that may harm competition and create market power. The intellectual property rights and antitrust principles are inherently antagonistic, nevertheless, the intellectual property laws and antitrust laws share the common purpose of promoting innovation and enhancing consumer welfare. Some favor broader protections and less stringent antitrust constraints, and others view over protection of intellectual property as a real threat to competition. The core question has become ‘what level of intellectual property protection is sufficient to create a substantial incentive to innovate, without creating rights to exclude so broad as to seriously impair competition?’ This study is focus on determining whether a particular restraint in licensing the intellectual property is given per se or rule of reason treatment. In conclusion, the article 59 of Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act should be revise to be accurated.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 지적재산권 보호의 필요성
  1. 지적재산권의 의의
  2. 지적재산권의 특성
  3. 지적재산권남용의 문제
 Ⅲ. 미국의 지적재산권과 독점금지법에 관한 고찰
  1. 미국의 지적재산권
  2. 미국의 독점금지법(Antitrust Law)
  3. 미국에서의 지적재산권과 독점금지법의 관계
 Ⅳ. 우리나라 독점규제법상 지적재산권의 정당한 행사
  1. 독점규제법 제59조의 의의
  2. 독점규제법 제59조의 해석문제
  3. 지적재산권의 정당한 행사
 Ⅵ. 맺는 말


  • 장정애 Chang, Jung-Ae. 아주대학교 법과대학 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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