The “Examining Manual for the similarity of goods” of KIPO was made to increase fairness and objectivity of examining procedures by applying the basic principles in determining a similarity of goods. As the examiner’s conclusion is bound by the rules for the similarity of goods, trademark examiner do not proceed examination individually to determine whether goods are similar to each other when it comes to examination practices. Rather, the examiner in principle draws its conclusion through the presumption based on similar group codes which are crucial to define the scope of similarity of goods. Since the presumption mostly attributes to the valid conclusion, the determination of similarity of goods along with similar group codes gain strength in examinations. However, its conclusion is not always effective since the presumption based on similar group codes could be reversed by contrary evidences. The absence of experts who take full charge of goods trade has caused the lack of knowledge and information on the specific trade terms and conditions. Under this circumstance, KIPO has cursorily and indiscriminately conducted classification of goods and similar group codes that hardly reflected real goods trades from now on. In this regard, the similar group codes have limitations to catching up with the changes in goods and service industries according to the industry development and the changing culture. Considering the classification of goods is the rigid classification system that can not promptly respond to the market changes, it is imperative that the enhanced classification system should be designed to quickly reflect the ever changing market conditions in which new products are on the markets day by day. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to update the classification system which reflects well current trade situations on a regular basis, and seeks plans for the establishment of systematic and long lasting system, which enable the examining manual for similarity of goods to amend to reflect the changes in trade conditions.
Ⅱ. 외국의 동향
1. 미국
2. 일본
3. 시사점
Ⅲ. 국내의 상품유사여부 판단을 둘러싼 문제점
1. 서설
2. 상품분류 및 유사군코드제도의 운영실태 및 문제점
3. 판례의 태도
4. 소결
Ⅳ. 결론