


특허무효와 특허실시료 반환과의 관계


Relationship Between Invalid of Patent and Repayment of Royalty

유대종, 김윤명

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Usually, a property or good is transferred based on a valid legal relationship. In such case, the law of unjust enrichment does not work. In a case when a legal relation is invalid or inexistent, the law of unjust enrichment works. A patentee may grant an exclusive license or non-exclusive license of the patent right to others. A exclusive or nonexclusive licensee is entitled to work the patented invention commercially or industrially to the extent prescribed in Patent Act or allowed by the license contract. This study is dealing with invalid of patent and repayment of royalty. Where a trial decision invalidating a patent has become final, the patent right is deemed never to have existed. In accordance with, the patentee is no longer capable of enjoying the patent right. Royalty that have been paid may be repaid if licensee requested.


Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 특허무효와 특허실시계약과의 관계
  1. 특허무효의 의의와 효과
  2. 특허 실시권의 종류와 성질
  3. 특허무효와 실시료 반환에 관한 논의
 Ⅲ. 특허무효와 부당이득반환청구권과의 관계
  1. 민법상 부당이득반환청구의 요건
  2. 특허무효와 전용실시료 반환
  3. 특허무효와 통상실시료 반환
 Ⅳ. 특허무효와 실시계약해제와의 관계
  1. 민법상 사정변경의 원칙
  2. 특허무효와 사정변경으로 인한 특허실시계약의 해제
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 유대종 Yu, Dae-Jong. 경희법학연구소 연구원, 법학박사
  • 김윤명 Kim, Yun-Myung. 경희법학연구소 연구원, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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