This article examines the basic standards for copyrightability through the comparative method and the legal historical approach. To date, copyright law has broadened the scope of copyright protection for works thanks to new technology, since Copyright of Anne was introduced to us. The application of technical advance supports copyright business active, however it makes us confused the concept of 'authorship' in negative side. It concerns the authorship which is challenged by economic effect from cultural industry. In a word, Copyright is based on creativity from author's work. Copyright is channel for cultural development, but should not be way for cultural industry. Even emphasizing on the consumer welfare or the economic reward from author's work via copyright business, the legal framework for copyright and copyright law should be about authorship.
Ⅱ. 금속활자로부터 DRM을 담아낸 저작권
1. 금속활자ㆍ인쇄기술의 개발과 Anne 여왕의 저작권법
2. 기술에 의지하는 저작권
Ⅲ. 창작활동에 터 잡고 기술을 펼치는 저작권
1. 저작권의 기초와 기술관련성
2. 창작활동의 제약과 독자성 확보
3. 창작활동과 문화산업의 관계
Ⅳ. 디지털 기술을 좇는 현행 저작권법
1. 디지털 기술을 이용한 정보 보호ㆍ저작권 보호
2. 문화산업 육성에 기여하는 저작권법
3. 현행 저작권법의 기술관련성과 미래
Ⅴ. 결어