


방송ㆍ통신의 융합과 저작권법의 과제 : 방송과 전송의 새로운 개념정립


Digital Convergence and Task of Copyright Act


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As IT technologies grow, digital convergence between broadcasting area and telecommunication area have an effect in our life. For example, we can enjoy movies and musics via the internet based VOD services. Moreover, IPTV service is granting us to enjoy the television contents in the manner of just like traditional TV services. This digital convergence can be existed because of internet protocol based network technologies and these technologies are making the border of broadcasting and telecommunication ambiguous. Therefore, IPTV have characteristics of IP-based networks and multimedia services at the same time. IPTV have something in common with telecommunication and also have something in common with broadcasting. However, Copyright Act makes an distinction between broadcasting and telecommunication(exactly 'communication') on the basis of simultaneousness test. Under the rule of simultaneousness test, IPTV and Web-Casting belongs to telecommunication area. And we can not apply special provisions of Copyright Act into IPTV and Web-Casting services these special provisions for broadcasting are essential to IPTV and Web-Casting services, also. I think we can not differentiate the broadcasting and telecommunication on the basis of simultaneousness test anymore because IP technologies will make all services same in the view of simultaneousness test Therefore we should make another test standard and I suggest the public good test to sort. It means that the focus of test should be changed from the physical infra layer to contents layer.


I. 머리말
 II. 방송 · 통신융합서비스 (IPTV) 의 구조
  1. 개요
  2. IPTV의 의의와 구조 및 특징
 III. 서비스 유형에 따른 방송과 전송의 구별
  1 . 개요
  2. 소프트웨어 스트리밍의 등장
  3. 스트리밍서비스의 저작권 침해에 대한 판례의 태도
  4. 서비스의 유형과 방송여부의 판단
 IV. 방송과 전송의 구별에 따른 저작권법의문제점
 V. 저작권법의 과제 - 방송과 전송의 개념재정립
  1 . 개요
  2. 방송과 통신의 분류 방안에 관한 제 견해
  3. 저작권법의 전송과 방송 구별을 위한 대안의 제시
 VI. 결론


  • 정진근 Jeong, Jin-Keun. 국립강원대학교 법과대학 전임강사, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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