


GPL의 主要內容과 改正動向에 관한 硏究


The Study on the features of GPL and its Improvement - with the discussion about GPL vetsion 3 -

GPL의 주요내용과 개정동향에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



GPL is the license which Richard Stallman and Free Software Foundation (FSF) made with the intention of achieving the principles of 'Free Software'. It also refers to Code of Conduct that should be observed in the Free/Open Software community and Constitution of Free Software Movement as well. The most salient feature of GPL is that derivative programs must be distributed in GPL. However, the specific criteria have not been set yet. In addition, several issues such as dealing of patent and compatibility with other free/open source licenses are left to be solve. After occasional discussion about problems and revision of GPL, FSF called a serious attention to the first discussion draft of 'GPL version 3' in January 2006. Then, the second discussion draft was announced in July 2006 fran suggestions through the Internet and discussions through international conferences. The discussion has continued (as of February, 2007) in order to announce the final draft at the beginning of 2007. The second draft includes the followings: (1) the threat of software patents and countermeasures against it, (2) the problems caused from increased. DRM technology and solutions, and (3) the ways to ensure the flexibility of GPL by allowing licensees to add new permission or requests. However, there exist not a few opposite views on concrete issues such as DRM related matters, which is mainly resulted from different views on ideology and goals of Free/Open source software. Therefore, narrowing and overcoming the gap of differences will smooth the path to conversion to 'GPL version 3' and lead to the development of Free/Open source Software.


I. 序論
 II. GPL의 意義와 主要內容
  1 . 자유/오픈소스소프트웨어와 GPL
  2. GPL의 주요 쟁점
 III. GPL의 改正論議와 主要爭點
  1 . 개정의 배경과 경과
  2. 주요 개정내용과 쟁점
 IV. GPL 改正의 意味와 向後課題


  • 이철남 Lee, Chul-Nam. 충남대학교 법과대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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