


특허권의 남용과 이에 대한 방안 : Patent Troll을 중심으로


The Study of Patent Abuse in respect of Patent Troll


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A patent troll is "somebody who tries to make a lot of money off a patent that they are not practicing and have no intention of practicing and in most cases never practiced." The topic of patten trolls has boosted up same important discussion in the recent year. Trolls tend to target internet retailers, service, information and news providers who are the end users of the patented technology. In May, 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court said in its unanimous verdict in eBay Inc, et al. v. MercExchange, No. 05-130. There is no such rule, patent owners do not have an automatic right to an injunction that could cripple the business of an infringer. The proper approach to the question of whether to award a permanent injunction is to apply a four-paint test. In Korea, controlling patent abuse is also an emerging issue. To regulate patent abuse in patent trolling, we can rely an the principle of faith or Trust Act Article 7. Just acquisition of patent for litigation would not be allowed. Also, PIT(Patent Investment Trust) PUBPAT(Public Patent Roundation) would be helpful to salve these patent troll problem.


I. 서론
 II. Patent Troll의 의의와 발생 배경
  1. Patent Tro11
  2. 주요 Patent Troll의 현황
  3. 출현 배경
  4. 미국 특허법상 자동적 영구적 금지명령 (Automatic Permanent Injunction) 의 문제점
 III. Patent Troll로 발생한 특허소송 사례
  1. NTP 사건
  2. 기타의 사건
  3. eBay Inc. , et al. v. MercExchange 사건
  4. e Bay 판결에 대한 평가
 IV. 한국에서의 Patent Troll을 방지하기 위한 방안
  1 . 권리남용에 대한 논의
  2. 소송신탁의 법리에 의한 특허권 남용의 규제
  3. 특허투자신탁 (Patent Investment Trusts) 을 이용한방지
  4. 공익특허재단 (PUBPAT: Public Patent Foundation)의 결성
 V. 결론


  • 정연덕 Chung, Yeun-Dek. 건국대학교 법과대학 조교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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