

지주회사제도를 통한 산학협력단 보유기술 활용방안


A study on Utilization of the Technology of the TLO through Holding Company

김선정, 이동원

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, almost all the universities stress the need of entrepreneurship and technology transfer including design and intellectual property, and the main paradigm of university on service invention is changed rapidly all over the world. In Korea, the application and utilization of the technology of university are also getting the main point of the operation of the university by degrees, and the technology licensing organization is founded in various forms to utilize that technology more effectively in the fields of IT, BT, and NT. But the existing TLOs of universities have difficulties in utilization, and are facing various limitations including the legal and philosophical ones; first, the foundation of the technological company is prohibited on account of the nature of the non-profit corporation of TLO and second, it is hard to found the technological company on account of the academic character of universities. The more efficient way to attain the goal to commercialize the technology is by way of the utilization of technology holding company such as that of Tsinghua University, Royal Institute of Technology, and Karolinska Institutet. The technology holding company can give the university the useful value to maximize the utilization of the technologies, and this article will show the desirable ways to use that company.


I. 서론
 II . 우리 대학의 연구성과에 대한 현황과 문제점
  1 . 대학기술 사업화의 의의
  2. 대학기술 연구성과의 현황
  3. 대학기술 사업화의 문제점
 III. 산학협력단 보유기술의 활용방안
  1. 서설
  2. 지주회사 방식의 효용성
  3. 지주회사에 대한 현행법상의 규제
  4. 외국의 대학기술지주회사 사례
 IV. 기술지주회사제도 도입에 따른 논점 및 활용가능성
  1. 기술지주회사제도 도입시 예상되는 반론
  2. 기술지주회사의 활용 및 기대효과
 V . 결론


  • 김선정 Kim, Sun-Jeong. 동국대 법학과 교수, 법학박사
  • 이동원 Lee, Dong-Won. 충북대 법 학과 부교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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