

디지털저작물과 접근권 : 소니사의 PS2의 기술적 조치와 모드칩


Digital Works and Access Right - Technical Measure for Sony's PS2 and Mod Chip


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In digital age, the legal protection of technical measures is a necessary response to effectively protect digital works from the great threat of piracy triggered by digital technology and Internet. However, the excessive protection of technical measures can greatly restrict users' rights such as fair use, first sale doctrine or public domain. Particularly, the legal protection of access control measures in fact gives copyright owners a right to control access to digital works. Therefore, in amending and interpreting related provisions regarding technical protection measures, it is important to ensure an equitable balance between copyright owners and users that copyright law has pursued. In this regard, Korea has taken passive steps to legislate regulations of the technical protection measures. The Computer Program Protection Act of Korea stipulates that 'technical protection measure' means 'any measure to protect a program copyright'. It can arguably be interpreted to protect only right control measures. Nevertheless, the Korean Supreme Court recently found that with respect to the technical measure of Sony Playstation 2 consoles, which can be seen as an access control measure like Game Enhancer, the distribution of Mod chip that circumvents Sony's technical measure was a violation of the ban on distribution of devices disarming technical measures provided in Section 30(2) of the CPPA. However, the Court's decision is required to reconsider because The Acr protecr only copy control measures. In reality, it is not easy to distinguish differences between access control measures and right control measures. Also since many countries have taken steps to legislate regulations of both of them, Korea cannot help considering protecting access control measures. Therefore, This thesis suggests that Korea additionally implement the ban on distribution of devices disarming access control because the most significant threat to copyright owners lies in a preparatory act for circumvention. However, it should not forget to allow users to protect their non- infringing uses by exercising existing exceptions or defenses in copyright law.


I. 틀어가며
 II . 기술적 보호조치의 종류와 법적보호의 필요성
  1. 접근통제장치 : 권리통제장치
  2. 기술적 조치에 대한 법적보호의 필요성
 lII. 기술적 조치의 법적보호의 문제점
  1. 기술적 보호조치와 공유영역
  2. 기술적 보호조치 와 최초판매의 원칙
  3. 기술적 보호조치와 공정이용
  4. 기술적 보호조치와 혁신과 경쟁
  5. 맺음말
 IV. 컴퓨터프로그램보호법 상의 기술적 조치의 보호
  1 . 의의
  2. 컴퓨터프로그램보호법상 보호되는 기술적 조치 에 관하여
  3. 소위 모드칩 판결에 관하여
 V. 결론


  • 이종구 Lee, Jonggoo. 단국대 법과대학 조교수, 변호사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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