

EU 경쟁법상 IP License에 대한 獨占規制 政策 小考


Study on Antitrust policy about the IP License of EC Commercial Competition law

EU 경쟁법상 IP License에 대한 독점규제 정책 소고


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



EC Treaty is based on two principles of free trade and undistorted competition. Free trade is protected by the free trade regulations of commercial products or services. Undistorted competition is protected by the competition principle of agreements prescribed from the Article 81 to Article 89. Article 81 and Article 82 among the principles about competition of communities are the most core of competition laws. The Article 81 is a regulation about prohibition of competition limiting behavior and the Article 82 is a regulation which prohibits abuse of overriding position. Both Articles has a important meaning. Therefore, the Article 81 and the Article 82 of EC competition laws! and their relationships regarding the patent property rights are reviewed. Regarding the transfer of the patent property rights! the new block exemption regulation 772/2004' is applied to the technology transfer agreements involving patents! know- hews or software copyrights (EC Regulation). On the same date the Commission also released a guide that provides advice for applying the new block exemption and for evaluating the antitrust risks of licensing agreements that fall outside the scope of the new Regulation. The new EC Regulation and the accompanying EC guidelines develop an analytical framework that is similar to the framework described in the US. Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property (US. Guidelines). Despite the many similarities in the US and EU policy documents for the antitrust review of technology licensing agreements, there are important differences that should be noted by anyone involved in technology licensing in the United States and in the European Union. The US Guidelines focus on possible harm to inter-technology competition from licensing arrangements. The EC Regulation and Guidelines express concerns about loss of intra-technology competition as well as inter-technology competition. Despite these differences, which stem from contrasting principles in EU and US. antitrust laws, the new EC Regulation and Guidelines are a quantum leap toward a globally consistent approach to antitrust policy for technology licensing.


I. 서론
 1. 지적재산권 관련 EC 조약 개관
 II. EC 조약 제 81조
  1. 제 81조
  2. 제 81조 및 IP License
  3. 제 81조의 적용순서
 III. EC 조약 제 82조
  1. 제 82조
  2. 제 82조와 IP License
 IV. EC 집단면책규정
  1. 적용범위
  2. 경쟁사와 비경쟁사 구분
  3. 경쟁사업자 간의 경성제한행위
  4. 비경쟁사업자 간의 경성제한행위
  5. 집단면책규정 예외조항
  6. 안전지 대 (safe harbor)적용 순서
 V. EC 기술이전자침
  1. 제81조에 적용을 위한 EC 기술이전지침의 일반구조
  2. 기술이전계약의 실시 제한에 대한 EC 조약 제 81조의적용사례
 VI. 미국과 EU의 지적재산권 License 에 대한반독점 정책 비교
  1. 유사점
  2. 차이점
  3. 수렴중이나 여전히 상이한 독점금지 정책
 Vll. 결론


  • 장은익 Chang, Eunik. 한국전자통신연구원 선임행정원, 한경대학교 강사, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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