

국ㆍ공립대학교수의 직무발명과 활성화에 관한 法理 및 制度的 考察


A legal and systematic study on the national/public university professors' invention and its activation

국ㆍ공립대학교수의 직무발명과 활성화에 관한 법리 및 제도적 고찰


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article suggests that how a remuneration system of employees' inventions enhances national/public university professors' desire of invention and that how TLO controls their masterpieces effectively by more consolidated system related to employees' inventions to lead development of Korea as well as financial stability of universities. For an activation of employees' inventions, it is needed to determine a violation, an amount of remuneration, a boundary of that invention through a provisions on the compensation regulation for employees' inventions and foundation of examination board. In addition, aside from over 50% compensation regulation for researchers provided in "Enforcement Decree of Technology Transfer Facilitation", we should prepare a legislation of securable profit period, compensation for retired employees, desirable dispute settlement system, co-liability for contribution proof of that invention. And, for an activation of TLO for technology businesses or transactions, we may consider an implication of pre-application system, a tex incentive and supports of patent fee, educational and personnel policy and TLO establishment. Those are helpful to control and transfer national/public university professors' inventions. Therefore, to decide national/public university professors' inventions and enforce remuneration system could heighten professors' invention desire and facilitate contribution of university finance, investment of R&D, industrialization of Korea.


I. 서설
 II. 직무발명제도의 일반법리
  1. 직무발명제도의 의의
  2. 직무발명의 개념과 성렵요건
  3. 사용자 및 종업원의 권리와 의무
 III. 국 · 공립대학교수발명의 직무발명 해당여부
  1. 국 · 공립대학교수발명 개념의 특수성
  2. 국 · 공립대학교수발명의 직무발명성 판단기준
  3. 국 · 공립대학교수발명에 관한 입법례
  4. 소결
 IV. 직무발명 활성화를 위한 보상제도의 강화방안
  1. 직무발명규정의 제정 및 발명심의위원회 설치
  2. 직무발명보상금 산정기준 재검토
  3. 직무발명 보상 대상의 수익 기간 법제화
  4. 퇴직자에 대한 보상
  5. 합리적 분쟁해결시스템의 구축
  6. 직무발명 기여도 입증의 공동책임화
 V. 기술사업화 또는 거래를 위한기술이전전담조직의 활성화 방안
  1. TLO 설립지원
  2. 교육지원
  3. 인력지원
  4. 특허료 지원
  5. 세제지원
  6. 가출원제도의 도입
 VI. 결론


  • 金守東 김수동. 인하대학교 법과대학 지적재산권학 전공 교수, 前 특허청장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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