

소프트웨어의 일시적 복제와 전송권


Temporary reproductions of Software and Right of Transmission


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The advent of the World Wide Web only compounds the temporary copy problem Temporary copying is inherent to digital technology. Unless it results in the making of a permanent copy, or in a public performance or display, the legitimate interests of the rightsholder have not been harmed. Moreover, even if the temporary copy does result in the making of a permanent copy, or a public performance or display, then the copyright analysis should focus on that permanent copy or public performance or display, and not the temporary copy. Treating temporary copies as potentially infringing copies has imposed needless complexity and uncertainty on the Internet. Since the Internet operates by packets of information moving from the RAM of one server to the RAM of the next, the Internet involves the making of copies that the Korean Court decision and Copyright Act do not considers to be potentially unlawful yet. The copyright owner to control the reproduction of his work is fundmental to the essence of copyright. In this paper, I will discuss that right in relation to copies made in the RAM of a computer (temporary copies )


I. 문제의 제기
 ll. 언터넷협약(WCT, WP판)과 일시적 복제
  1. 인터넷협약의 의의
  2. 일시적 복제와 언터넷협약
  3. 일시적 복제에 대한 인터넷협약의 결론
 III. 일시적 복제에 대한 현행 실정법의 태도
  1. 서
  2. 복제권과 일시적 복제
  3. 전송권과 일시적 복제
  4. 기술적 조치의 보호와 일시적 복제
 IV. 일시적 복제에 관한 입법방향
  1. 일시적 복제의 사설상 규제
  2. 입법의 방향
 V. 결론


  • 정상기 Jeong, Sangki. 한남대학교 법과대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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